September 3, 2024




Toledo School for the Arts, located in Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio, announces its  intent to contract for Construction Manager as Adviser services for current and  future capital and permanent improvements for a 5-year period; the first project  for which services are required is the TSA window replacement project (referred  to as the Project). Future projects may include, but are not limited to, phased 

interior renovation of the existing building, building addition, and façade  restoration. The Project is not part of an Ohio School Facilities Commission co funded building program.  

TSA invites CM firms interested in providing the required professional CM services  for the Project to submit their qualifications, including the firm’s experience and  a statement of interest in the Project.  

The Toledo School for Arts may select a single firm for any project with an  estimated professional CM fee of less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) as  provided under ORC 153.71 Administrative Rules. The Board shall determine that  the selected CM firm is the most qualified to provide the required construction  management services. 

Construction Management services may include but are not limited to, project  schedule development & management, construction cost estimating, value  management during design, construction phasing development, sub-contractor  bid package development, sub-contractor procurement, construction  management, on-site construction supervision, and administration of Owner  grant funding paperwork. Projects will vary in scope. 

The Board reserves the right to award single or multiple contracts for specific  services. The Board will request firms resubmit an updated Statement of  Qualifications every calendar year. 

*NOTE: The primary Construction management firm shall be (1) a registered  contractor holding a license with the City of Toledo.


Include the following: 

1. Provide a brief history of the firm. Include firm name (including any other  previous names for the firm during the past five years) and location, year  established, type of organization and information pertaining to major  areas of expertise. (Maximum of one page in length) 

a. The firm’s location and proximity to the project site for purposes of  attending meetings at the project site. 

b. List a maximum of 4 unique qualities that set the firm apart from  others as it relates to the required services for pre-construction and  construction management of the facility renovations planned by  The Zepf Center.  

2. Provide resumes for key personnel of firm and list the number of  employees by classification. Include years of experience, education, and  current professional registrations and credentials including but not limited  to: LEED GA, LEED AP, LEED AP+, CCCA, CCM, CCS, CDT, DBIA, CPE, and  any other appropriate design and construction industry credentials.  (Maximum of one page in length for each key person) 

3. Past performance as reflected in evaluations of previous and current  clients for which the firm has provided or is providing similar services;  please include a list of 5 relevant projects involving similar services  performed by the firm during the past five years. Include the following  information for each project (Maximum of one page in length for each  key project):  

a. Project owner, name of project and location; 

b. Brief description of the project; 

c. Building type, size, project cost, and type of construction delivery  method;  

d. Year services were completed or anticipated completion date; e. Other relevant information about the project and the firm’s services; f. Reference contact person and phone number; 

4. The firm’s past experience with Toledo School for the Arts, if any; 5. Ability of the firm to provide services needed by Toledo School for the Arts;  

6. List of consultants used to provide any services not performed by the  design firm – TSA may request the use of Design or Engineering Firm to be  included in projects.  

7. Identify personnel responsible for communication with Toledo School for  the Arts throughout the full duration of the project. 

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8. Provide specific information about any claims asserted against the firm or  its professional liability carrier within the last 5 years, including the  resolution of the claim.  

9. Provide information about the insurance coverages carried by the firm,  including builder’s risk insurance.  


Toledo School for the Arts will only do business with a Construction Manager that  complies with all the Boards policies, local, state, and federal requirements  regarding non-discriminatory hiring, fair employment practices, wage and hour  standards. Moreover, the Construction Manager must comply with all Board 

Policies, local, state, and federal laws, rules, and regulations applicable to the  subject matter of this contract, and any contract proposed by a Construction  Manager must in all respects comply with such laws, rules, and regulations.  

Any contract entered between Toledo School for the Arts and the successful  Construction Manager is subject to all Board policies, local, state and federal  laws, rules and regulations now in effect or hereinafter enacted, and if any of  these at any time require the termination of the contract, the contract shall  terminate and each party shall be left in the position it then occupies, retaining  any benefit it has received prior to the time of such termination. The Board shall  not be required by any contract to engage in any conduct which is prohibited  by, contrary to, inconsistent with or pursuant to, any federal or state law, rule, or  regulation.  


Firms submitting statements of qualifications for the available contract will be  evaluated and ranked in order of their qualifications. Following this evaluation,  the firms determined to be most qualified may be asked to meet with Toledo  School for the Arts representatives to present the firm’s qualifications and  proposed approach for the Project before final selection is made. Upon  selection of the firm determined to be most qualified to provide the requested  services for the Project, compensation and an agreement for services will be  negotiated and prepared for the Project. The anticipated form of Construction  Manager as Adviser agreement will be a modified AIA-C132-2019 CMA  contract; amendments to the agreement will address future projects as they are  identified. By submitting a SOQ to Toledo School for the Arts for Construction  Manager as Adviser. 

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Toledo School for the Arts wishes to select a Construction Management firm for  presentation to the Selection Committee as soon as possible and begin working  immediately with the firm selected. Construction Managers wishing to submit  qualifications for the Project must do so in writing before 4:00 p.m. on October  19, 2024. Submit 1 copy of the firm’s qualifications electronically to:  

Jamie Lockwood, Treasurer  

Toledo School for the Arts 

Direct any questions concerning the Project and requested services to Olaf  Gerhardt,

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