The 14th Street office is easily identified by the blue USPS mailbox out front.
School ends at 3:02. All students will be dismissed from the loading dock doors. Students should be picked up by 4:00, unless they are involved in after school activities.
All students should enter through the loading dock entrance each morning. The students are able to enter the building as early as 7:30, but they are not released to their lockers until 7:50.
Class begins at 8:00 and students should be in the classroom by that time. After 8:00, students should be dropped off at the 14th Street door, but students shouldn’t enter through those doors unless they’re late.
Please follow the yellow arrows to ease traffic congestion in the parking lot.
TSA works to maintain a healthy environment for our students and staff. First aid kits and stations are available throughout the building and in both main offices, and we have faculty trained as first responders. We also have a full time school nurse who is in the building between 8:00 and 3:00.
All medication, prescription or over-the-counter, must have a completed form with a physician’s signature before medication can be dispensed during school hours.
Any parent or guardian may request information on the professional qualifications of each TSA classroom teacher who provides instruction to the students.
Requests may be sent to Erica Leverette-Traoré, Human Resources and Diversity Manager, at
For parents of secondary school students, or eligible students who are 18 years or older:
The student or his/her parent may request in writing that Toledo School for the Arts (the School) not release the student’s name, address, and telephone listing to any military recruiter or institution of higher education without the prior written consent of a parent, and the School shall comply with any such request.
Please address requests on this topic to Janel Hough of the Counseling Office. She can be reached by email at:
To report an absence, please call (419) 246-8732 x400.
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